Foot Care Basics You Can Manage

Everyone – men, women, and children – should visit a podiatrist like Dr. Eric Kosofsky and Dr. Robert Rutstein once a year for an examination and preventative care. You should also see your foot doctor if you notice a change to the appearance of your feet or if you experience pain or discomfort when walking, standing, or wearing shoes. There is much that you can do at home to reduce your risk of needing one of these “problem” visits. Here are three tips from our doctors:

Get to know your feet. Inspect them daily. Stay alert to changes in the look of the skin such as redness or scaling. Take note of changes to the shape of the feet that might indicate developing deformities like bunions and hammertoes. Watch for small nicks and wounds that may become infected.

Practice excellent hygiene. Wash your feet daily with warm water and antibacterial soap. Rinse and dry them well, especially between the toes. This is especially important for people with diseases such as diabetes or those who are prone to hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating that can cause foot odor.

Wear proper footwear. Save those high heels for special occasions. For everyday use, opt for shoes or boots with non-skid soles to prevent falls that can cause foot and ankle injuries. Opt instead for a wider toe box and lower heels. If you like athletics, be sure to wear the right shoe for your sport and to replace them often. If your doctor has prescribed orthotics for cushioning and support, wear them every day.

Of course, the best thing that you can do for your feet, ankles, and lower legs is to see your podiatrist regularly. With years of specialized training and experience, your foot doctor is the best-qualified medical professional to care for this part of your body. Make an appointment to see Eric Kosofsky, DPM and Robert Rutstein, DPM in Hartford Podiatry Group’s modern, comfortable Hartford and Rocky Hill offices today. Call our friendly staff at 860-523-8026 or click here to get started.


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